Thursday, January 11, 2007

Syllabus Lit Ital 143


Pasquale Verdicchio Office: Lt Bldg. 3340 T/Th 9:30-10:50

Thirty years after his murder Pier Paolo Pasolini still stands as one of the most controversial and influential intellectuals of the 20th century. As a most important social activist Pasolini’s Marxism, Catholicism and homosexuality became irritants for purists in each community and for antagonists beyond them. This course will give us the opportunity to consider Pasolini’s films, essays, poetry and prose as both historical documents and in a contemporary context. Among other things we will view films such as Accatone and read from the essay collection Scritti Corsari and Empirisom eretico.

Week 1
TUES Introduction
THURS from La voce di Pasolini: pg. 11-22; 35; 39-42

Week 2
TUES “We are all in danger” & “Censoring the body of Ideology” from
THURS “Prefazione” a Lettere luterane di A. Berardinelli + “Nuove questioni linguistiche” in Empirisom eretico pg. 5-24.

Week 3 First 2 page write-up due.
TUES “Nuove questioni linguistiche” + Appendice pg. 24–50.
THURS “Dal laboratorio” pg. 51-77.

Week 4
TUES “Il cinema di poesia” pg. 167-187.
THURS “Il cinema di poesia” pg. 167-187.

Week 5 Second write-up due.
THURS Film Midterm Quiz

Week 6
TUES “I giovani infelici” from Lettere luterane pg.5-12
THURS “Gennariello” Paragrafo primo, secondo e terzo.

Week 7 Third write-up due.
TUES Paragrafo quarto, La prima lezione…, Pargrafo sesto.
THURS Siamo due estranei, Com’è mutato il linguaggio…, Bologna…

Week 8
TUES I ragazzi sono…, Vivono…, Siamo belli…, Le madonne…

Week 9 Fourth write-up due.
TUES Lettere luterane, “Abiuria alla trilogia”
THURS Presentazioni

Week 10
TUES Presentazioni
THURS Presentazioni

Grade breakdown: Four 2 page write-ups @ 15% = 60% Presentazione 15% Quiz 15%
Attendance/participation 10%

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